Regularly reviewing log files is often part of methodical security work and logs are also an important part of incident management in order to understand what happened and thus be able to avoid the same thing occurring again.

Within our management of DNS and web environments, there is therefore a complete log of administrative events linked to your subscription with us.

After logging in to the Hostcloud environment, the log tool is at the top right. Normally, the tool menu is minimized and then you can access it by clicking on the small arrow and box at the very top right. And then the "Action Log" tool.

If you have permissions on several domains, you can then select the domain and then you will get to the log list for the selected domain. If you are only authorized on one domain, you get directly to the log list.

In the log list, all system administrative events are collected, everything from successful and failed logins to changes in, for example, DNS records or configurations. Everything is logged with IP number, who made the change (regardless of whether it was us or you yourself) and time. It is partly a rather technical log list as many change types are just technical but if you don't understand something you are of course welcome to ask.